Welcome to One With a Flow

This course is designed to support you in connecting to the sacred in the bleeding body ... yours or the bleeding body of one you love.

A core principle of our work together is that menstruation holds tremendous power. This power has been recognized for millenia - in many ancient cultures and indigenous contexts - as a portal to divinity. And yet, across space and time, and in many places in present day, menstruation has been demonized, feared and regulated by many who do not bleed.

Throughout our journey, we’ll explore practices, embodied wisdom and sacred teachings that support a nuanced and transformative experience of menstrual cycles and menstruating bodies. We’ll also attend to Jewish wisdom and practices for conscious menstruation - uncovering depth and power in teachings whose surface interpretations and applications have long demeaned the menstrual experience.

As we enter into our experience, consider the following questions for reflection:

Questions for reflection: What draws you to this course? What is your deepest desire in saying yes to One-With-A-Flow? What do you most want to experience, embrace or transform in relation to your menstrual experience or the menstrual experience of a beloved?

Questions for reflection: What is your current relationship with menstruation and with it’s surrounding cycle? What are the specifics of your menstrual cycle, if you are one who bleeds - what is your physical and energetic experience? What are your practices and habits?

Questions for reflection: Where do you feel most aligned, in resonance and positively resourced in relation to menstruation? What part of the menstrual experience is most easeful, potent or sacred for you? `

Questions for reflection: What aspect of your relationship with or current experience of menstruation and it’s surrounding cycles is your greatest growing edge? What do you most desire to shift in relationship to menstruation?

Please take time to answer these questions in our course discussion forum.