luminous ancestors of earth, sea & sky

autumn 2024 w/ Taya Mâ

You are loved by luminous ancestors of earth, sea and sky. Deepen your experience of support, belonging and blessing by welcoming connection with your elemental kin.

Wednesdays September 4 - October 16

4-5:30 pm ET | 1-2:30 pm PT (recordings available)

registration remains open until September 20


A limited number of partial scholarships are available. Please reach out if needed.

In this immersion with Taya Mâ, you’ll learn about and connect with ancestors of myriad kinds. You will particularly come to know, cultivate relationship with, and welcome support, blessing and guidance from your elemental ancestors ~ those of earth, sky and sea. Understand the natural elements themselves as your ancestors. Connect with creatures of water, land and air as your forebears. Experience human lineage ancestors who hold affinity with particular elements as nurturing guides.

This course is suited both for those entirely new to ancestral or elemental work, and for advanced practitioners alike. Through Taya’s Mâ’s warm and clear guidance, you’ll be invited into practices for easeful, palpable connection with elemental ancestral realms. Learn simple techniques for slipping beyond linear time & into the ancestral now. Cultivate greater perception and trust in your direct knowing. Experience the power of rooting in positive resource in embodied, energetic and ancestral realms. Attune to states of flow and experiences of synchronicity - often understood to be a primary language of ancestors and guides.  

Each module includes content learning, experiential practice and accessible ritual guided by Taya Mâ. Participants are invited to bring an elemental object ~ a vessel of water, a stone or plant, a candle to each session.

Luminous Ancestor Explorations

  • Module 1

    What is the Best Thing That Could Happen?: Mapping Ancestral Landscapes & Meeting Elemental Kin 

    Welcome to Luminous Ancestors of Earth, Sky and Sea. Taya Mâ will share context and orientation for our immersion, mapping a kaleidoscope of ancestral energies and myriad categories of ancestors. You will be invited to consider your best hopes for our journey and will learn the practice of rooting in positive resource as a pathway for connection and healing.  

  • Module 2

    Entering the Ancestral Now: Letting Go of Linearity and Attuning From the Deep.

    In this module, you will learn about ancestors of earth, sky and sea and ways of connecting with elemental ancestral realms. Taya Mâ offers simple and transformative techniques and practices for slipping beyond linear time and cultivating luminal perception. You will receive and explore techniques and practices of perceiving and trusting your direct knowing, and begin to map the presence of elemental ancestors in your life. 

  • Module 3

    Steeping in Ancestral Waters: Connecting With Kin of Sea, River and Rain

    In this module, you will learn and explore water ancestors and enter into immersive practice attuning to the element of water as ancestor, creatures of water that have shaped you, and human family lineage ancestors who are affinities with water ways. 

  • Module 4

    Digging In Ancestral Soil / Tending Ancestral Terrain: Connecting With Kin of Earth, Cave and Root

    In this module you will learn about and explore earth ancestors and enter into immersive practice attuning to the element of earth as our ancestor, creatures of land that have shaped you, and human family lineage ancestors who are affinitied with earth-tending ways. 

  • Module 5

    Soaring in Ancestral Skies: Connecting with Kin of Air, Breath and Cosmos 

    In this module you will learn about and explore air as ancestor, and experience an immersive practice attuning to sky, creatures of air, and human lineage ancestors who have affinity for breath, wind and flight.

  • Module 6

    Tending the Ancestral Flame: Connecting With Kin of Fire, Inspiration and  Creation

    In this module you will learn about and explore fire as ancestor, and experience an immersive practice attuning to stars, creatures of fire, and human lineage ancestors who have affinity for with constellations and cosmos.  In this module you will learn about and explore ancestors of inspiration, creativity and call.

  • Module 7

    Dreaming Ancestral Futures: Laying Foundations For the Way Forward 

    In this completion module, you will gather the gifts, blessings and learnings of the course, with particular attention to chronicling the ancestrally-attuned being you are and are becoming. You’ll consider what you’ve received from this journey, and set intentions for continuing to deepen in elemental ancestral connection and tending.