Upcoming Offerings

Complete: Embrace the Alchemy of Endings

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Days & Nights of Awe: A High Holidays Immersion in Depth Devotion

Immerse at depth in core prayers particular to High Holidays time through sacred chant in Hebrew and English, and earth-loving, body-positive, heart-centered creative  and ancestral-honoring Jewish practices of devotion.

Yes Bless: The Art of Making Prayer

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Explore our ongoing courses to invite your regular devotion and deepening.

Jewish Ancestral Healing

Jewish Ancestral Healing Journey is a multi-week journey, including Jewish ancestor reverence practices and a group immersion into the Ancestral Lineage Healing process. Our areas of exploration include working with stones, yahrtzeit practices of remembering, the ancestralization practice of Mourner’s Kaddish, the pilgrimage practice of Hillula and more.

Practice Makes Imperfect: Changing Your Life One Micromovement at a Time

This course emerges from Taya Mâ’s two decades teaching transformative ritual and from her struggles and successes in realms of tending the creative sacred and in rocking (and not) the basic building blocks of life. 

This course is for you if you know how you most want to feel, or what you most want to create, yet are still clarifying or wrestling with how to actually get there. Our journey focuses on showing up fully inside the myriad micromovements that shape living into a large life.

One With a Flow: Conscious Menstruation as a Jewish Spiritual Practice

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Embodied Presence

Explore right pace, inhabit space, be guided by gratitude and become fluent in state transmission. Embodied Presence engages simple and potent exercises and inquires to activate awareness, to strengthen and supply our sensory selves and to empower our embodied presence.

More courses & registration coming soon!