What is the Best Thing That Could Happen? Attuning to Positive Resource Across the Realms

What a gift to open our experience together on Wednesday! Thank you to all who tuned in then and who've tuned in since. After our opening session, I journeyed to watch sunset and found myself looking smack at a full rainbow .... the whole curve visible, the expansive color-spectrum glowing ... it felt like such a sweetness of communication, connection, affirmation & synchrony!

I welcome hearing / reading what has emerged for you this week - either in your experience tuning into our session and explorations, what has been emerging for you since, or any ways you are showing up in practice toward the best possible thing :) over here I've been lighting up my favorite resin incense morning and eve ....


Entering the Ancestral Now: Mapping Landscapes of Luminous Ancestors of Earth, Sea and Sky & Perceiving the Ones-Who-Dreamed-Us-Into-Being