
How do we know when it is time to complete?

Sometimes external circumstances dictate it -

a course ends, a beloved dies, or we are broken up with.

Sometimes we choose - a piece of art is done,
we leave a situation that is no longer aligned for us,
we understand that a relationship has run its course. 

Whether an ending is inevitable or is one we’ve created or been thrust into,
cultural, developmental and intergenerational patterning may shape how we orient and tend.

Perhaps we end abruptly or ghost. Perhaps we over-process or stay far too long.

What becomes possible when we explore the possibilities and patterns held in completion?

How do we hone our capacities to end well and to honor completions that are here or on the way?

What does how we end tell us about how we begin,
and how can our simplest daily rituals and practices
be resources we bring to the practice of ending with presence?

Embrace the Alchemy of Endings

Complete engages the reflective cauldron of Elul as a portal to unpack our relationship with ending, and to consciously tend completions, for their own sake, and toward new beginnings.

This course is crafted through Taya Ma’s lens as a ritual artist, and draws on her own explorations and experiences of completion, both learnings from rocking it and from missing the mark.

Complete was dreamed into being early in 2023, as an Elul offering. Yet as the year evolved, and Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute announced it’s closing, TM wondered whether to still offer this course amidst a time so tender for many her in her communities. To honor both it’s ripeness, and it’s tender, this year’s Complete is a beta version, only being shared with those who have directly expressed interest and who are clearly called.

While there is no one formula for ending well, there are myriad ways to support our endings being more complete, more satisfying or even simply, more present.

Our journey in Complete invites us to tracking what patterns and emotions arise for us in relation to completion, and what supports us in tending endings with presence and possibility.

Join Us!

Our Fall course has completed.

Please let us know if you’d like to join a future offering.