with Hadar Cohen
“My safety comes from my vulnerability.”
“If we don’t allow ourselves to be shaken, something will always shake us. The invitation of prostrations is instead of waiting for the outside world to shake us, we can shake ourselves, we can disrupt our notions and ways of thinking so that we can open a portal within us to greater divine connection.”
“Part of what we are healing in our time is a rupture between body and land that has been largely ruptured through colonization and all sorts of systems of oppression... When we engage in the practice of kneeling, and in the practice of allowing for the head to meet the ground, we are reviving that connection, understanding that our body is of the land that we are sourced from the land, and that we find the divine through the land. ”

In this teaching into the practice of prostration, Hadar Cohen speaks on prayer as a way to access our vulnerabilities and give them space to express. She invites us to consider prostration - embodied prayer in which we kneel and bring our forehead to the ground - as a pathway for reconnecting with our deepest self, with the earth and with Source.
How do you communicate with Spirit?
What ways of prayer are resonant for you?
How is your body in conversation with the sacred?
Hadar Cohen
… is an Arab Jewish scholar, mystic and artist whose work focuses on multi-religious spirituality, politics, social issues, and community building. She is the founder of Malchut, a spiritual skill-building school teaching Jewish mysticism and direct experience of God. She teaches and consults in a variety of settings and formats, from one-on-one coaching to online group classes and in-person retreats. Her podcast, Hadar’s Web, features community conversations on spirituality, healing, justice, and art. Hadar is a 10th-generation Jerusalemite with lineage roots also in Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq and Iran. Subscribe to her Substack for access to her latest writings, offerings, and media appearances.